Die folgenden Texte sind verfügbar.
Autor | Titel |
Thomas Atzert [thomas at kein.org] | Immaterielle Arbeit? |
Benni Bärmann [benni at obda.de] | Die Brötchenfrage |
Christoph Beaupoil [webmaster at designforge.org] | Free Hardware Design |
George N. Dafermos [Georgedafermos at discover.org] | Global Pessimists or Global Optimists |
Stephan Eissler [spw-info AT uni-tuebingen.de] | Das so genannte "geistige Eigentum" im digitalen Zeitalter |
Manfred Füllsack [manfred.fuellsack at univie.ac.at] | Specialized knowledge production and (the limits of) its remuneration |
Hans-Gert Gräbe [graebe at informatik.uni-leipzig.de] | Die Macht des Wissen in der (post)modernen Gesellschaft |
Marcin Jakubowski [marcin at sourceopen.org] | Open Source Ecology, Inc. |
Aputsiaq Janussen [aputtu at mail.dk] | Adding Rationality to Himanen`s Hacker Ethic |
Andrius Kulikauskas [ms at ms.lt] | Social Infrastructure for Virtual Flash Mobs |
Sheen S. Levine [sslevine at sslevine.com] | Linux, Napster, and Sobig: A Framework for Understanding Collective Open Source Innovation |
Yuwei Lin [yl107 at york.ac.uk] | Epistemologically Multiple Actor-Centred System: or, EMACS at work! |
Stefan Matteikat [smatteikat at web.de] | Zukunft der Produktion |
Stefan Meretz [stefan.meretz at hbv.org], Michaela Hipp | Management Freier Software-Projekte |
Stefan Merten [smerten at oekonux.de] | "What did the Romans bring us after all..." |
Till Mossakowski [till at informatik.uni-bremen.de] | Demokratisches Wirtschaften |
Claus Müller [claus at open-craft.org] | Open-Craft.org |
Wolfgang Pircher [wolfgang.pircher at univie.ac.at] | Die elektronische Gabe |
Wolfgang Polatzek [renate.polatzek at t-online.de] | Von der lokalen zur transformativen Ökonomie |
Graham Seaman [graham at seul.org] | Technology and Society |
Kasper Souren | Wikiresearch |
Raoul Victor [dorax at club-internet.fr] | Marxism and free-software |
Christian Wagner [cwagner at bukopharma.de] | Patentrecht statt Menschenrecht? |
Michael Zaiser [M.Zaiser at ed.ac.uk] | Theory of complex networks |