
Podium: Organisation - Herrschaft - Anarchismus
Rubrik Oekonux
Veranstaltungsdaten: 22. Mai / 10:00 / 3 Std. / Track C / Raum 3F / deutsch
ReferentIn(nen): Stefan Merten
Christoph Spehr

Stefan Merten: "Was haben uns die Römer schon gebracht...". Zum Nutzen von OrganisationHerrschaftAnarchismus

The debate about OrganisationHerrschaftAnarchismus (OHA) in Free Projects runs for quite some time now in Project Oekonux. On the one hand this contribution tries to take up this debate while on the other hand tries to give some new impulses. In this context the contribution will shed some light on the concepts of organization, rules, domination, and anarchism and tries to approach this complex question in a relaxed, analytical way. In particular it should become clear, where from the perspective of the contributor there are chances and risks in this area.

Die Debatte um OrganisationHerrschaftAnarchismus (OHA) in Freien Projekten dauert im Projekt Oekonux schon seit geraumer Zeit an. Dieser Beitrag versucht einerseits die Debatte aufzugreifen und andererseits ihr neue Impulse zu geben. Er wird die Begriffe Organisation, Regeln, Herrschaft und Anarchismus in diesem Kontext beleuchten und versucht in einer entspannten, analytischen Haltung an die komplexe Frage heran zu gehen. Insbesondere soll verdeutlicht werden, wo aus Sicht des Beitragenden Chancen und Risiken in diesem Bereich liegen.

Christoph Spehr: ODA, free cooperation & network structures

The issue of dominance structures within our own networks has been at several times heavily discussed on the oekonux-list. There was the discussion around the theory of free cooperation vs. the perspective on »Selbstentfaltung«; there was the discussion on »Computers as man-machines« raised by the study of Francis Hunger; there was the discussion on »Herrschaft« (dominance) in general and if or if not it existed within free software projects or the oekonux list itself, that led to the combined strain of »organisation, dominance and anarchy« (ODA); and every now and then there were critical remarks about patriarchy and gender issues raised on the list. My proposal is to bring these issues together in a workshop at the 3. conference. I would not like to design the workshop from the start as a pro-and-contra-panel, because I still feel that some arguments need a little space and time to be understood, and should not to quickly be drawn into the more sketchy form of confrontative discussion.

I would like to show a short video we're producing at the moment for the Buffalo conference called »On rules and monsters. Free cooperation - an introduction« as a presentation, because it's easier to understand and also more funny than just telling (the video works with scenes from 50ies SciFi-movies, commented). But we could also seperate the screening of the video from the workshop, so that I only would take up some aspects from it when the workshop takes place.
